End-to-End Solution for Cyber Risk

DeNexus delivers an evidence-based solution for OT industrial stakeholders

Cyber Risk Quantification is Foundational

With cyber risk measured in monetary terms, you have data to allocate cybersecurity resources and budget. You also know where to start to strengthen the cyber resilience of your OT environment or transfer risk to cyber insurance.

DeNexus delivers an evidence-based solution for OT industrial stakeholders to gain visibility into each facility’s cyber exposure, calculate the probability and financial impact of potential cyber incidents, and prioritize risk mitigation based on ROI!


Use Cases for Cyber Risk Quantification


Cyber Risk Management:

Understand, quantify, and rank cyber risks by potential loss, facility, attack type and more.


Cybersecurity Budgeting:

Prioritize risk mitigation projects and allocate your cybersecurity budget where it is most needed.


Executive Risk Reporting:

Collaborate with your peers and the Board of Directors on cybersecurity investment decisions.



Simplify cyber risk compliance to SEC S-K Item 106, NIS-2, NERC CIP, or others


Capital Management

Determine the Cash Reserves needed to contain a cyber event, including cyber insurance


Cyber Insurance Optimization

Optimize coverage using quantified cyber risks and a documented plan for improvement.


Cyber Risk Management:

Understand, quantify, and rank cyber risks by potential loss, facility, attack type and more.


Cybersecurity Budgeting:

Prioritize risk mitigation projects and allocate your cybersecurity budget where it is most needed.


Executive Risk Reporting:

Collaborate with your peers and the Board of Directors on cybersecurity investment decisions.



Simplify cyber risk compliance to SEC S-K Item 106, NIS-2, NERC CIP, or others


Capital Management

Determine the Cash Reserves needed to contain a cyber event, including cyber insurance


Cyber Insurance Optimization

Optimize coverage using quantified cyber risks and a documented plan for improvement.

Know the business impact of cyber risk.
Know where to start with risk management.

Global 1000 Companies Have Reduced Their Cyber Risk with DeNexus

“With DeRisk we understand our cybersecurity posture and can prioritize risk reduction and mitigation actions based on actionable financial data.”

Ken Young
CEO, Apex Clean Energy

“The DeNexus software acts as a bridge between the cybersecurity team and the executive leadership group, as it allows me to quantify cyber risk with defendable metrics and ROIs.”

Jonathan Alexander
Director Cybersecurity, EDF

“We are impressed with the DeNexus team and their approach to assessing and prioritizing cyber risk.”

John Franzino
CEO, GridSecurity

“The DeRISK platform provides actionable data and reporting that helps us identify and communicate cybersecurity risks to the organization. It is a core component of our risk assessment, quantification, and remediation efforts.”

Scott Hooper
Director Cybersecurity, Clearway