CRQM for Transportation

Airports, transit hubs, ports – transportation systems are targeted by threat actors. Cyber Risk Quantification & Management (CRQM) highlights where to focus cybersecurity investments.

DeNexus' DeRISK for Transportation

The DeRisk platform helps transportation businesses effectively anticipate and mitigate cyber risks related to physical assets and Operational Technology (OT). By doing so, transportation operators can ensure their resilience in the face of ever-evolving cyber threats.

DeRisk answers questions such as:

  • How much cyber risk do I carry in my transport company’s Balance Sheet?
  • How can I measure the efficacy of my cybersecurity programs?
  • How to I prioritize Risk Mitigation projects?
  • How do I justify cybersecurity investments?
The answer is DeRISK.
DeNexus - Cyber Risk Quantification and Risk Management for Transportation
DeNexus - Cyber Risk Quantification and Risk Management for Transportation

How DeRISK for Transportation Works

Data-Driven Cyber Risk Insights 

DeNexus' DeRISK platform performs quantification and management of cyber risks for transportation companies.

DeRISK combines Outside-in data, threat intelligence and business information with Inside-out data seamlessly collected from various passive and active monitoring solutions. Ingested information is automatically mapped to standards such as NIST CSF,  ISO 27001, and DNX CSF (DeNexus' proprietary Cyber Security Framework).

DeRISK - Cyber Risk Quantification and Risk Management for Transportation

Inside-Out Data and Cascading Effect

Using Inside-out data, DeRISK identifies and quantifies cyber risk at transportation hubs including the potential cascading effect for each of them.

When it comes to cyber risk accumulation, DeRISK analyzes the co-exposure across multiple transportation systems, capturing accumulated risk at the portfolio level in a holistic and comprehensive way.

DeRISK - CRQM for Transportation

DeRISK: OT Cyber Risk Solutions for Transportation

DeRISK is purpose-built for ICS and OT environments, allowing cyber risk leaders at transportation companies to align with cybersecurity strategies from the board room. See How >

Solve Cyber Risk

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