CRQM for Power Generation

Sabotage and cyber threats to the energy grid are significant risks. Cyber Risk Quantification & Management (CRQM) highlights where to focus cybersecurity efforts.
CRQM for Power Generation

Mitigating Cyber Risks in Electric Power Generation

The use of network-connected Operational Technologies (OT) to automate power generation facilities creates security vulnerabilities and cyber risks. These facilities are potential targets for bad actors considering the critical role they play in the economy.

Each type of electricity generation, gas, fuel, or renewable, has unique cyber risks related to OT. Facilities must be protected from cyber threats to prevent sabotage or unexpected shutdowns in unprepared plants.

DeRISK - CRQM for Power Generation

The Solution: DeNexus' DeRISK for Electric Power Generation

The DeRisk platform helps energy producers anticipate cyber risks and strengthen their cyber resilience in the face of ever-evolving cyber threats.

DeNexus' DeRisk answers questions such as:

  • How much cyber risk do I carry in my power generation company’s Balance Sheet?
  • How can I measure the efficacy of my cybersecurity programs?
  • Which risk mitigation project should I prioritize? 

DeRisk accounts for the operational nuances of the various power generation sectors when quantifying cyber risk, allowing energy producers to proactively manage risk and maintain secure, efficient and resilient systems in the age of digital transformation. 

DeNexus - Cyber Risk Quantification and Risk Management for Power Generation

How DeRISK for Power Generation Works

Data-Driven Cyber Risk Insights

With more than 200 deployments of DeRISK in the Power Generation sector, DeNexus understands the intricacies of this critical sector.

The DeRISK platform quantifies and helps manage cyber risks at energy producers' facilities.

DeRISK combines inside-out data from passive and active monitoring solutions with outside-in information, threat intelligence, and business data about the facility, its owner and its operator(s). The data is then mapped to common standards - NIST CSF, ISO 27001, and DNX CSF (DeNexus' proprietary Cyber Security Framework).

DeRISK - Cyber Risk Quantification and Risk Management for Power Generation

DeRISK Cyber Project Simulator

Using AI, ML, and Probabilistic Inference with operational metrics specific to each type of Power Generation plant assets, the ingested data is normalized, safely stored and used to model a detailed risk profile of each facility.

The DeRISK Cyber Project Simulator runs what-if scenarios on proposed risk mitigation strategies delivering financial metrics to compare projects and evaluate them based on required investment and expected risk reduction.

This holistic approach informs cybersecurity investment decisions and enhances the alignment of organizational goals with risk tolerance.

DeRISK - Cyber Project Simulator for Power Generation

DeRISK: End-to-End Cyber Risk Solution for Power Generation

DeRISK is purpose-built for ICS and OT environments, allowing cyber risk leaders at the field and plant levels to align cybersecurity strategies with the boardroom. See How >

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